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Boardgame: Axis and Allies 1941

Boardgame: Axis and Allies 1941

Boardgames have been around for about as long as humanity has roamed the earth, filling many hearts and minds. Ranging from classics such as chess and checkers to modern ones as snakes & ladders, they have brought many great evenings of joy, adding to a good life....
Coffee: Finca Aurora Matagalpa

Coffee: Finca Aurora Matagalpa

Coffee is perhaps the one drink that enchants the home of almost any of us. Initially discovered by accident, people quickly found out that brewing the bean gives us the black magic we all love. After centuries of experimentation, one may be dazzled by all the...
C.S. Lewis on the beauty of nature

C.S. Lewis on the beauty of nature

One of my favourite authors of all time next to J.R.R. Tolkien is perhaps C.S. Lewis. Coincidentally, both men knew each other in their own time and had a steadfast friendship that they fed together. Not only were they of great inspiration to each other, helping each...
Tobacco: Carolus Magnus

Tobacco: Carolus Magnus

An enigmatic figure of his time, Charlemagne (747-814) is best remembered as the king that managed to carve an empire out of the kingdoms in Central Europe. Doing so, he effectively established the Holy Roman Empire that went on to live on until 1806, after Emperor...