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The Vita Consecrata World War I mustreads – Part I

As many of you may know by now, World War I has a prominent place in my heart. I have many reasons for this, but perhaps the most important is its enduring legacy; how it shaped the modern world we inhabit to this date. In a sense, the war was also a pivotal turning...

Philosophy: Letters of a Stoic – Seneca

Stoicism is perhaps the most famous philosophy coming from Ancient Rome. In the Empire, stoicism helped inspire many people to live virtuous lives, and live in harmony with what most philosophers referred to as the Stoa; the way people should live. One of these stoics...

Watching: The Longest Day

After the end of World War II, cinema enjoyed a great growth of war movies. Classics such as Where Eagles Dare, The Dirty Dozen, Patton, and so on. These movies have impacted the cultural landscape, starring many famous actors such as Richard Burton, Clint Eastwood,...

Reading: Robert Cardinal Sarah – The power of silence

Something that is missing dearly in our modern world is something that we often try to avoid, namely silence. One needs only to look outside and see and hear all the noise around him. Not just in hearing, but in sight too. In this sense, our modern lives are almost...

Tobacco: Aachen 2007 Mixture

Spring is just around the corner and the sunshine sheds some welcome light in our daily life. This of course means that it will be the ideal weather for a drink or two, accompanied with a good smoke. What then could be a good taste to accompany these drinks? Warm...

“Surprised by Joy”

With his encyclical Vita Consecrata, former Pope John Paul II encouraged us to find joy in the life consecrated to the glory of God. In a broader sense, he encouraged us to guide ourselves towards a state of living within a meaningful and joyful life.

It is precisely this mentality that is central to our website; to encourage readers to find out about the good and meaningful life and how to grow within it. As the English writer C.S. Lewis put it with the title of his book, we want you to be Surprised by Joy.

Reading: Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations

Reading: Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations

Few emperors have left behind such a legacy as Marcus Aurelius (121-180) has. Not only did the Roman emperor manage to expand the Empire in his time, he also heavily indulged himself in the art of philosophy. In fact, Marcus Aurelius is now recognised as one of the...

Tobacco: Wintertraum

Tobacco: Wintertraum

Winter has come and that means we have to find some means to warm ourselves. For the tobacco smokers among us, this means that we have to adjust our taste to the season. After all, nothing helps brave the winds of winter more...